Eye flu, or conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the thin membrane that lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the white part of the eyeball. It is usually caused by either a virus or bacteria, but can also be caused by an allergic reaction or an underlying medical condition.
The most common causes of eye flu are:
1. Viral infections, such as herpes simplex virus, adenovirus, and mumps.
2. Bacterial infections, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, and gonorrhea.
3. Allergic reactions to dust, pollen, animal dander, and chemicals.
4. Foreign objects in the eye, such as eyelashes, bacteria, and dirt.
5. Swimming in contaminated water.
6. Wearing contact lenses that are not properly cleaned and disinfected.
7. Spending too much time in heavily air-conditioned rooms or near air-conditioning vents.
8. Chronic dry eyes due to lack of tears or the use of certain medications.
9. Severe eye trauma.
10. Underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes, HIV, and Lyme disease.