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What are Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria ?

What are bacteria ?

  • Bacteria are procaryotes that are usually single-celled organisms.
  • Most bacteria  have cell walls that contain the structural molecule peptidoglycan.
  •  They are found in soil, water, and air and are also major inhabitants of our skin, mouth, and intestines. 
  • Some bacteria live in environments that have extreme temperatures, pH, sanlinity.
  • some bacteria cause disease, many play more beneficial roles such as cycling elements in the biosphere,breaking down dead plant and animal material, and producing vitamins.

What are Gram positive bacteria ?

Gram positive bacteria are bacteria that stains purple in colour after gram staining which indicates a positive result, it helps to classify bacteria on the basis of their cell wall.

Below is the examples of some Gram positive bacteria:

What are Gram negative bacteria ?

Gram negative bacteria are bacteria which gives negative results by retaining the gram stain ,which gives pink colour after gram staining. Gram negative bacterial cell wall retain gram stain which helps to differentiate the two types of bacteria.

Below is the examples of Gram negative bacteria :

Difference Between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria :

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